Every year, I write an “Ultimate Guide” to the AWS re:Invent conference. 2020 has changed everything, this conference and my guide is no exception.
Typically, the guide plays a critical role for the 40–50,000 people who descend on Las Vegas for a week trying to get the most out of this fantastic experience.
This year, AWS re:Invent moves online and present a host of new opportunities. I’m really excited about the show and can’t wait to dive in.
For whatever it will be worth, I’m keeping the 2020 guide up to date over on my website at https://markn.ca/2020/aws-reinvent-ultimate-guide/.
Medium is fantastic but there’s a bunch of stuff that I want to do with the guide that’s just easier on a site that I control and automate. So please check out the guide (and my other content!) over at markn.ca.
Comments? Questions about AWS re:Invent? Let me know here or on Twitter (where I’m @marknca).